We are a

translation agency

About our agency

We are an agency based in Belgrade, specializing in translating, DTP and proofreading in Consumer Electronics and other technical devices since 2006.

IM FORMAT Beograd, Prevodilačka agencija IM FORMAT Beograd, Prevodilačka agencija Beograd, prevođenje


Target languages: Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Albanian, Bosnian, Slovenian, Hungarian, Bulgarian

IM FORMAT Beograd, Prevodilačka agencija IM FORMAT Beograd, Prevodilačka agencija Beograd, lektura


Our team members with MA degree in philology provide proofreading of texts in Serbian language. We have sufficient capacities for quality and fast proofreading of websites, magazines, books etc.

IM FORMAT Beograd, Prevodilačka agencija IM FORMAT Beograd, Prevodilačka agencija Beograd, DTP


Layout preparation of translated materials using the latest DTP programs (Adobe InDesign, Frame Maker, Illustrator...), customising the design to your preferences.

Want to work with us?

Tell us about your project

What we can do for you

Our differentiator is the „one-stop shop“ service, meaning we provide full service to our clients, including translation and DTP of instruction manuals, leaflets, web-pages and other materials – and have been doing so for the last 18 years.

IM FORMAT Beograd, Prevodilačka agencija IM FORMAT Beograd, Prevodilačka agencija Beograd


Our goal is to establish long-term cooperation, both with small and with large companies, including special prices and prioritization (i.e. shortened deadlines) for our regular clients.

IM FORMAT Beograd, Prevodilačka agencija IM FORMAT Beograd, Prevodilačka agencija Beograd

Extensive experience

We have 18-year experience in translating into languages of all ex-Yugoslav countries, as well as translating into Albanian and Hungarian language.

IM FORMAT Beograd, Prevodilačka agencija IM FORMAT Beograd, Prevodilačka agencija Beograd

Consistency and confidentiality

By using the latest translation tools we are paying special attention to consistent use of technical terms specific for certain industry. We guarantee full confidentiality to our clients.

IM FORMAT Beograd, Prevodilačka agencija IM FORMAT Beograd, Prevodilačka agencija Beograd

Our references

For 18 years, we have been providing translation services to many clients, from SMEs to renowned multinational companies.

Contact us

Please send us the file for which you want to get an offer, via the contact form below.


IM FORMAT d.o.o. Stevana Dukića 38 11060 Belgrade, Serbia


+381 63 8255296;

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    Писци као врсни преводиоци: Станислав Винавер, Милован Глишић и Десанка Максимовић

    Многи српски писци изванредно су познавали стране језике, па су на српски језик превели многа значајна дела светске књижевности. Будући да су и сами у својим делима обилато користили богатство српског језика, то им је помогло да српском читаоцу учине блиским велика дела светске књижевности